Saving Marty By Paul Griffin

We all know the great book “When Friendship followed me home“, Well the author, Paul Griffin, has just released an amazing book called Saving Marty. The book is all about a boy named Lorenzo who has a pet pig, who acts like a dog. Marty (the pig) causes a lot of trouble and Lorenzo’s mum wants sell Marty to earn some cash. Lorenzo is determind to save his friend, but when Marty causes too much trouble, he has no choice but to be taken away. Lorenzo and his best friend Paloma, set off to a petting zoo, until something even worse happens.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars

What I think of the book: This is written in the style that Paul Griffin writes in. You meet the characters, and feel what they’re feeling. Then just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do.

Other books by Paul Griffin: “Adrift” “Burning Blue” “Stay With Me” “The Orange Houses” “Ten Mile River” “When friendship followed me home”

About the Author: Paul Griffin is the award-winning author of Ten Mile River, The Orange Houses, and Burning Blue. He trains dogs, and writes in New York City.

PS: Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I have been reading Harry Potter and Wonder

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